First Aid Natural Time Vertigo Headaches
Jakarta, The natural time of the vertigo attack, one will also feel the headache is amazing until the world is seen spinning in other words dizzy seven round. Earlier getting doctor help, there are many first aid you can do at home. Vertigo or loss of balance will also be so annoying the daily busyness even though it does not cause pain in other organs. When relapse, vertigo patients will also experience distress standing up and moving karna feel headaches amazing until the world seen spin, even often coupled with nausea and vomiting. "" The most dangerous of vertigo attacks is falling. If an attack comes suddenly up the stairs one can fall. So if there is a good attack immediately sit down, take a safe place, "" explained Prof. dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Sp. ENT (K), PhD, Professor of Department of Knowledge ENT FKUI RSCM Disease, in the Seminar Vertigo "" Re-Balance Your Life "" at RS Asri, Jakarta, Wednesday (26/10/2011). Give a Sweet Sweet Drink Besides dizzy seven rounds, continued Prof Jenny, people who naturally attacks vertigo generally also remove cold sweat. Therefore, giving it a warm sweet drink can also help. "" When out cold sweat love sweet hot sweet tea. Take a break. If acute (chronically attacks abruptly) can be given sedative or anti-vomiting drugs, "" explained Prof. Jenny who practiced at the Vertigo RS Asri Integrated Clinic. However, after obtaining first aid, it is not meaningful vertigo actually recovered. Vertigo signs can indeed disappear, but if passed without any in search light trigger so vertigo can be more chronic. "" But then (getting first aid) still there is PR. Must be in search of the diagnosis and the cause of course, "" said Prof. Jenny. Vertigo can be due to nerve problems, internal diseases and ENT (ear, nose, throat). Some aspects that cause vertigo include migraine attacks, inflammation of the neck, motion sickness, bacterial infection of the hearing device and lack of oxygen consumption to the brain. Defects in the ear also often cause, as well as a sudden abnormality of vision or changes in blood pressure, problems in the nerves that connect the ear to the brain or within the brain itself. (mer / ir)